After multiple emails about where I buy hardware for pieces I thought it would be good to share my favorite place to buy hardware. Hardware is the jewelry of furniture and I love changing out the hardware on antique pieces for some decorative hardware. It can totally change the look of a piece as set it apart from pieces other people are creating. For mid century pieces I prefer to keep the original pulls when I can or find similar vintage hardware that fits the style of these piece.
This is seriously one of the best places to find hardware. The biggest problem for me? Prices. It’s pretty expensive and when you are looking for an average of 8 knobs you may be spending $80 plus tax. If you have a small piece like a desk or nightstand I think it’s totally worth it to add some unique hardware to make the piece one of a kind. I used 2 Anthropologie knobs on this Empire Writing Desk for a unique combination and I love how the colors and style of the hardware add so much to the piece.
So, how do you get a deal? Stalk the sale/clearance section. I’ve only ever purchased sale hardware from Anthropologie online or from the sale bin in store. On sale each knob is usually around $3-4, though some that were originally priced higher (reg. $14 or more) won’t be as discounted. The sale hardware goes fast so if you see some you want, make the purchase. It probably won’t be there the next time you check.
Lastly, new sale and clearance items on listed Sunday night, so check then or on Monday to see what new items have been listed.
**** See below for places that sell almost identical anthropologie hardware for way cheaper.
World Market
This is one of the top place to find similar or identical knobs to anthropologie for much less! World Market has a pretty limited selection, but they usually have 1-3 awesome knobs that you think came directly from an Anthropologie catalog. The delicate flower knobs above are some that Anthro used to carry and now you can find these for just under $4 here. Another one I love are these silver and white branch knobs. I’ve used them on a few pieces (like this Layered Blue MP Dresser) and the quality is great. The exact same ones are sold at Anthropologie for $14 each, but at World Market they are $4 each.
Pier One
Hobby Lobby
For a long time this was my go-to hardware source. I still love Hobby Lobby and their incredible prices and selection. They have a whole isle that is all hardware! Plus, every other week hardware is half off which makes most pieces $2-4. It’s definitely worth waiting for them to be on sale. The hard part is Hobby Lobby is a very popular place to purchase hardware and the stylish ones are not always in stock, or there are only a few. You can order online and place orders in store to save on shipping. These white rose knobs are fun but there are also glammed up knobs, rustic ones and glass knobs. Plus, these awesome gold arrow handles are really trendy and I’ve seen them popping up all over the place.
One of my favorite sellers on Etsy is Trinca-Ferro. I really love delicate flower knobs, so I adore these Jayne White ones and these blue ones. There are a bunch of other great options as well. I just look through them for fun because there are so many possibilities on what to pair each style with. I also love these striped bone knobs.
If you are looking to find vintage hardware or vintage inspired hardware like mid century, hollywood regency or campaign hardware, also check out Etsy. There are so many sellers for real vintage pieces or you can also find reproductions. These are reproduction campaign hardware recessed pulls.
You should just go browse the hardware selection on Etsy. There’s some good stuff!
I first read about this company is a design magazine. I love bone knobs and while they tend to be more expensive I love the look they have and the contrast the white/off white color adds again vibrant and dark paint colors. I’ve used the round bone knobs pictured above on this driftwood dresser. You can find them here. They are a great size and have cool variation and coloring on them. A favorite look of mine is oversized knobs like these turquoise-teal ones below. Definitely the right choice if you want to make a statement.
If you can’t find what you are looking for on the other sites or stores I’ve listed, check Ebay. Ebay is great for finding vintage hardware as well as new hardware. I have also purchased Anthropologie knobs off of Ebay that are no longer being sold at Anthro (and the price was less than they originally were at Anthropologie). Definitely search for current items that are for sale from other site and see if you can find a better price on Ebay. Also finding things like replacement Broyhill Brasilia Hardware or other vintage mid century hardware can be done on Ebay.
When I bought 9 Anthropologie blue flower knobs off of Ebay I contacted the seller and asked for a better price. I pretty much just made an offer to buy them all and saved about $15 by doing so. She agreed, changed the price and I was able to get a better deal just by asking. If you have been eyeing something but are a little hesitant because of price, offer less or ask if that is the best price they can do for the items. You might be surprised!
Have any sites or stores where you love to buy or browse for furniture knobs and pulls? Any place I missed? Leave it in the comments below!
Thank you so much for sharing your sources, there are some beautiful knobs out there! I really love those arrows from Hobby Lobby, I'm going to have to check my store for those!
It's hit or miss, but occasionally HomeGoods/TJMaxx/Marshalls have some great knobs — all the stores tend to get them at the same time, so if you're in a metro area and see some you like, it may be worth running around town — I got 24 matching ivory&black oval knobs for my kitchen that way!
I also like DLawlessHardware, especially for their glass knobs made from vintage molds (just add the .com at the end and expect to get sucked down the rabbit hole).
I second DLawless!! I have bought many knobs through them and have always been happy with quality and the huge selection!
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Keep up the good work. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey
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