Over the past few years of having a blog I have found some great resources that have helped aid in growing my blog and improving my photos. All of these resources I have personally purchased and use. This post is not sponsored, I just want to share these resources with you and help answer the questions I get asked about photography. So here’s a list of the most helpful resources I have found:
1. Adobe Lightroom
Photography is a big part of having a blog and selling items. While cameras, settings, and lighting are not things I’m great at, the one thing I would say makes a huge difference is a good editing program. I use and love Adobe Lightroom. It has been a year since I purchased it and I keep discovering new features that I love. Being able to adjust the white balance and the exposure and the 2 most beneficial tools that will instantly change and improve your images. You can get Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for just $10 a month and with updates when they are available at no additional cost. Defintely give it a try. I will write a post on the features I use most often soon! It’s worth it just for how easy it is to watermark you photos by creating presets… seriously, that part is such a time saver!
2. Building A Framework Ebook
If you want helpful and informative information on how to grow your blog, you need to read this book. Abby of Just a Girl and Her Blog wrote it and it is a great resource for new and seasoned bloggers. I purchased it and read the whole thing in just a few hours on a plane ride this past summer. I’ve read it again since then and implemented some of the things I learned. Abby covers things like hosting sites, blog policies, growing social media, working with companies, networking with other bloggers, and making money. If you don’t know or want to learn more about any of those, check out her ebook.
I can’t even remember how I found Kristen Duke’s site, but she has multiple ebooks and videos to help people improve your photography and understanding of DSLR cameras. After getting my camera and having no clue how to use it, I used her resources to help with my understanding of camera settings and how to shoot in manual mode and adjust ISO, shutter speed and aperture. You can buy here ebook here.
5. Be Active on Social Media
Thank you, Reeves for sharing this info…especially the photography portion of the post!
Great post! Thanks so much for sharing!
These are some great and true tips! Pinned, thanks for sharing! 🙂